
Mission and Outreach:

The following are ongoing church missions and outreach programs.  When need arises there have and will be temporary mission activities and support.

Church Food Pantry operates year round and offers a bag of groceries to those in our neighborhood and the community who need a helping hand.  The pantry is stocked completely with donations from members of the congregation.  If you are in need of assistance, contact the church office for additional information.

Meals on Wheels is a ministry in cooperation with Cox Health Services. Wheels senior meal delivery service is designed to distribute a balanced meal, but our volunteers provide much more than that. Our church family work with the senior food program and we fine that we are often their only daily contact with the outside world.

Trunk or Treat is a fun and safe way to celebrate Halloween; it is an annual tradition at Hillcrest.  Members of the congregation dress in costumes, park their cars on the church parking lot and open trunks to reveal decorations.  Children can walk from car to car and receive candy while the members of the congregation receive some additional smiles in their day

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Ashley House Outreach

Burma Mission

Coat and Blanket Drives

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Crosslines Christmas Toy Drive

Crosslines Food Drives

Labor Day Rest Stop Snacks

Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive

Salvation Army Red Kettle Bell Ringing

School Supply Drive

Souper Bowl of Caring

Yearly Youth Mission Trip